Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Welcome July. Aims and goals

Very first day in July, a good morale booster to start the month off.

Goals for this month:
1) Aim to clock 30k hands. A pretty lofty goal I pressume, given my schedule and stuff thats going on.
2) Aim for 4PTBB/100 at least. My first 10k of 200nl has gone pretty decent, at about 8PTBB/100. I figured this winrate is pretty sustainable, given that I do not make any glaring errors. On 2+2 the biggest winner at this stake gnomeontilt has a long term 130k hands at about 5-6 ptbb/100. Certainly aiming to emulate this good player.
3) Enjoy poker. This is something that is pretty refreshing for me at 200nl. A new challenge, enjoying playing the hands and seeing the results. I've been running standard thus far for the last 10k hands. Though I would not like a downswing, I believe it will certainly come one day or another and I'll be better able to cope with it.
4) Spend more time playing in the 'A' game zone. Tommy Angelo is the nuts.