Wednesday, June 25, 2008

3rd Week - First 10 buyins at 200nl


+ $217.46 FT rakeback
+ $79.10 NOIQ cashback

Total Profit = $2155.53

Definitely running well in this short sample of hands, would gladly take the hourly anytime. This is probably the easiest and most relaxing 2k month ever. Goal is to continue grinding at 200nl to realize the true win and hourly rate. Its definitely possible making a decent livnig at this level with the correct parameters, like multitabling with a suitable winrate.

One influence this month is seeing leatherass post his long term highstakes winrate. Seeing his rather nitty PF stats further validates a point that PF stats are not significant parameters that govern your winrate, rather its the postflop analysis and lines taken. Postflop is where all the big money is made or loss. I play probably in the converged region of 23/19 which is probably standard TAG at these stakes, but my PF game is pretty much dynamic and based on table conditions. An implication is that sacrificing a little preflop ev, is probably worth it if you can make it up postflop. No point of getting unneccesary into 3betting/4betting aganist regulars unless it is a damn obvious play to make.

Another concept that I've been using instinctively but have not realised in general poker concepts is that of leverage. CTS vids probably shows this very well. The idea of making good sized raises that forces opponent to either go all in or fold is a very good leverage concept. E.g. 100nl, CO raise 4bb, Btn 3bets to 13bb, CO 4bets to 29-31 bbs. Concept of leverage is that you get good value with your bluff raises when they fold, and as well as forcing the player to commit (which you are going to call with hands that you 4bet with). This can apply to draws, made hands, and bluffs as well and it works tremendously well if you balance your range well.

Gotta pen this down before I forget all about it.

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