PT stats: (for new database)
14954 hands
Won: -$1124.50
-4.06 PTBB/100
28.25 hrs played
Rakeback: $209.78
Year End Bonus: $206.04
Total profit: -$708.18
Jan was pretty sucky, after my good run in december, kinda expect results to normalize but not in such a manner. There were sessions where I dropped a couple of buyins in a few straight hands, standard coolers of big pairs vs big pairs, AK vs AA KK etc etc pretty standard stuff. I didn't think i played particular well after my poor initial start of the month. At the same time I was working in concepts learnt over coaching into my game, being a little too spewy for my own good haha!
One takeaway for this is that since the start of school, I've not been that focused on poker. Poker has dropped in priority since schoolwork has been piling up. (thats why the low number of hands logged) Also, even when I'm playing, I'm not playing at the better times when donks fill up sites, as well as not table selecting well enough. Well i guess the results do highlight the result of this two elements very clearly.
Poker is swingy alright, short updates on feb coming up
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