Monday, December 31, 2007

Capping off a solid month

PT stats: (for new database)
23239 hands
Won: $2146.65
4.97 PTBB/100
56.48 hrs played

Rakeback: $385.72

Profit since 1st nov on old database: $350

Total profit: $ 2882.37

So the end of December caps of with a good run with 9.77PTBB/100 over a 10k 100nl hand sample. Definitely running well, as well as table selecting good tables that helps me to run well. When you have such postflop edge against weaker players, it's paying off even in the very short run.

December started off mehhhhh at 50nl when I came back to the game. Wanted to get my rusty gears started but hit a tilt/badrun in the middle of the month. I guess the turnaround for this month started when I decided to put in more study hours reviewing my plays, cutting down on tables, watching more videos, pokerstoving hand ranges and knowing where I stand in certain spots. I kinda like to review my plays more now as I'm making far fewer mistakes and more importantly, far fewer bigger mistakes.

I'm have subscribed to leggopoker for it's good selection of cash games videos and imho, they are of very high quality and worth the 1 year suscription fee of $299.40. I've also been working on my game by using this technique of thinking reciprocally - how the villian would play his hand given the way I've played. Such analysis allows you to know certain lines that average players would often take aganist a preflop raiser (usually me) and when they do something else, you basically become more aware of where you stand.

Poker has been great for me this year. I've got a sum of rakeback money that I plan to cash out. For 2008, I'm setting my sights on hitting 200nl and crushing it from march onwards, and hopefully be a regular at 400nl by the end of the year. It is a modest goal I suppose, I believe in taking it slow and having a conservative bankroll plan. While at the same time I'm taking coaching lessons to improve and correct any fundamental leaks of mine. I think I've a sound technical game, but there are definitely some spots for improvement.

Jan 08, I have a huge bonus to clear from the Ironmen bonus promotion. However, I'd expect many regulars to do so, as well as avg players. The standard should be slightly higher after the new year, with many players trying to make a fresh start to play better, resolutions of playing tighter etc etc. We will see how this affects things next month. Likewise this could explain my good run on December, with more players spewing off money during this festive month.

Well, thats it for December. Gdluck for the new year and hope everyone starts playing better! See ya at the tables

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