Saturday, December 22, 2007


PT stats: (for new database)
18317 hands
Won: $1180.10
3.9 PTBB/100
41 hrs played

Rakeback: $283.22

Profit since 1st nov on old database: $350

Total profit: $ 1813.32

Havent been playing alot for the past few days cus GF is in town. Poker is going well as usual. I'm making less and fewer bigger mistakes and putting the money in when I'm mostly ahead. On another note, I'm excited to be coached by Greg, co-owner of leggopoker soon. Coaching is one area that I intend to go into next time, tapping onto the growing population in Singapore. I hope this exposure will give me a good experience towards coaching in SSNL. As well as plugging my leaks, strengthen my theory and gaining new insights, I hope this coaching practice will see me into 200nl and 400nl by the end of next year. Can't wait to get it started!

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